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NOROO Holdings co. ltd, won the industry's first <2018 Red Dot Design Award>
Concept design Award Winner 'All-in-one paint package', courtesy by NOROO Holdings co. ltd.
NOROO Holdings Co. Ltd., the holding company of NOROO Paint Co. Ltd., won the Design Concept Award of <2018 Reddot Design Award>, which is the first in the industry to boast world-renowned authority.
「The Red Dot Design Award」(Germany), which is held every year since 1955, is often referred as the world's top three design awards along with 「IF Awards (Germany)」 and 「IDEA (USA)」.
The core philosophy behind the award acknowledges beyond only design area, it also evaluates innovation and functionality comprehensively, and s the best design for each field. This year's Asia Regional Awards ceremony took place at the ‘Reddot Design Museum’ in Singapore on September 28th 2018.
'Red Dot 2018 Award Ceremony' (Red Dot Museum, Singapore)
The award-winning ‘All-in-one paint package’ is basically a combination of paints and painting equipment (trays, painting pads, etc.). It has been evaluated as a practical work that has greatly improved the convenience of consumers by breaking stereotypes.
"We are honored to receive the world-renowned 「Red Dot Design Award」 for the first time in the industry, and we will focus on designing products that prioritize customer convenience rather than simply ‘putting paints’ in the paint package field." said NOROO Brand Communication department official.
On-line Joongang daily news
NOROO Holdings co. ltd, won the industry's first <2018 Red Dot Design Award>
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