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NOROO Pantone Color Institute (NPCI), successfully ...
“NPCI”(Noroo Pantone Color Institute) of NOROO Group has been invited by the “Thailand Creative Design Center” (TCDC), a government affiliated organization of the Thai government to conduct a seminar on the Global Color Trend at the 1st 'Bangkok Design Week 2018’ (January 27- February 4, 2018).Mr. Kim Seung-hyeon, a senior researcher at NPCI, attended the event and received a great audience response after his presentation on 「2018 ~ 2019 Global Color Trends」 and Strategies how to utilize colors desired by consumers'.NPCI’s extensive colors contents and materials, that have been directly derived from “Big Data” and comprehensive color trend book 「COVER ALL」 has received a great interest among Thai designers, who relatively have less opportunities to be exposed by information such as Global Color Trends.The head of Thailand Design Center (TDDC), Mr. Kittiratana Pitipanich has expressed compliments to NPCI: “At this event, we have invited world-class design experts, such as NPCI - Korea’s leading color research institute, that leads Asian color market, has objectively presented Global Color Design Trends.”, and he has also added: “I hope with the 「Korean Wave boom」 in Thailand, K-Design - the leading Asian trend will be introduced more, and not just the design but I hope the culture as a whole would be spread even more.”Source: Chosun Biz
NOROO Pantone Color Institute was featured in Euro...
“NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute” (NPCI), which was established in 2014, under the affiliate of the NOROO Paint co. ltd, has been globally recognized by Europe's leading magazinesNOROO Pantone Color Institute annually conducts ‘NOROO International Color Trend Show’ (NCTS) and shares the latest trends in color and fashion. They also provide a consulting services in various fields, such as technical cooperation, architecture, automobile, home appliances, fashion, interior and more. NOROO Color Trend Shows are attended by world-renowned experts & authorities of each field.Professor, Ico Migliore was featured by Italy's leading architectural magazines (Interni, Platform, IOARCH). They introduced him as the exclusive designer of a global well-known fashion company “Max Mara”; also responsible of a space design for New York Museum of Contemporary Art.IOARCH reported that Professor Ico Migliore’s lecture was given at the "NOROO International Color Trend Show (NCTS 2018) held by Korean Noroo Group".The Institute has published the trend book ‘COVER ALL’ that is the essence of the latest trends in ‘color & design’. The book serves as a mediator for Institute to be recognized by international designers and architects.The Book 'COVER ALL' is evaluated as a great contribution to predict future trends by introducing the method of collecting and analyzing big data of ‘color and design’ from all over the world and strategically using 'colors desired by consumers'.In addition, NPCI Senior Researcher, Mr. Kim Seung-hyeon is going to visit Thailand's Creative Design Center (TCDC) on January 28th to participate in the "2018 Global Color Trend" during the first Bangkok Design Week (BKKDW) '.[Digital News Agency]
Breaking the boundaries among industries through C...
- ‘NCTS 2018’ (Noroo International Color Trend Show) was held in DDP- Global color/design trend standards of Korean industry of 2018 were presented- 1,000 people participated, including color/design practitioners, planning/marketing practitioners, academia, research institute, university students and other.On November 16, 2017, Noroo Group successfully completed NCTS 2018 (Noroo International Color Trend Show) at “DDP(Dongdaemun Design Plaza)”.NCTS 2018, which celebrated its 7th anniversary this year, is a representative event that demonstrates color and design trends and inspiration in the Korean industry. More than 1,000 people attended the event including color / design, planning / marketing practitioner, research institute, academia, and university students.The theme of this year show was “ASSEMBLAGE”. In addition to the traditional industries, we invited experts from the growing markets of space, interior, furniture, hair and makeup to present the global color and design direction and strategic inspiration for global design for 2018~2019. In particular, the cases where the boundary between the two kinds of regions were broken through colors were introduced.Fabian Oefner, a TED speaker who collaborated with global media (Washington Post, BBC, CNN) and Ferrari, was highly acclaimed by demonstrating experimental techniques directly in front of the audience.Ico Migliore, a space director in Global fashion company, “MaxMara” and a space director at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, presented creative examples by giving an interesting lecture on 'The Essential Role and Meaning of RED and YELLOW'.Lee Kwang Ho, who became a topic of discussion after the collaboration with FENDI and Onitsuka Tiger, showed expression techniques that transcended practicality and artistry. His honest sharing about methods of how to get daily inspiration has received a lot of sympathy from the audience. Katsuya Kamo, the master of hair and makeup in Japan, who was supervised by Karl Ragerfeld, Chanel Haute Couture and Fendi collections, presenting the actual works and his future insights. Especially, the hair / make-up area attracted much attention as this area was covered for the first time.The introduction given by chief researchers of NPCI, Hyun Jung O and Kim Seung-hyeon on 「2018-2019 trend colors and applications」 that were ed by Big Data, and on the methods of how to strategically utilize colors desired by consumers' has received a great acclaim from the audience. The color book, 'COVER ALL Vol. 02, "Assemblage" issued by NPCI was a huge success (a limited Edition of 60 copies).The works of Lee Kwang Ho and Lee Sang Min, reflecting the latest trends were exhibited at the venue to give the audience an opportunity to experience new colors and designs. The authors themselves described their works. This year major projects, such as "99% IS X NOROO" (fashion show) and "POW! WOW! X NOROO "(Urban Renaissance Project) were introduced. The effort of Noroo Group to get closer to customers through color and design was highly appreciated. Noroo Paint, the subsidiary owned by holding company of Noroo Group, Noroo Holdings Co., Ltd has launched 'NPCI' (NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute) in 2014. The institute provides technical cooperation and consultancy in various fields such as architecture, automobiles, home appliances, fashion, interior, and marketing.
NOROO Group, ‘2018 NOROO International Color Trend ...
- Global color / design trend standards of Korean industry in 2018 ~ 19 - Approximately 1,000 people including color / design, planning / marketing practitioners, academia / research institutes students will participate. NOROO Group will hold NCTS 2018 (NOROO International Color Trend Show) at DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) on November 16th.This year, it will be the 7th show of NCTS, which has become a representative color / design seminar in Korea. About 1,000 people, including business executives, members of research institutes and academics will participate. The show content includes the prediction of global color and design direction for 2018~2019, and sharing of strategic inspiration from global experts. This year, we will invite the best professionals in the field of traditional industry and space interior, furniture, hair / make-up with the theme of "ASSEMBLAGE" and provide various visual and stereoscopic solutions.This year's theme is "ASSEMBLAGE", we are inviting the best experts in the traditional industry and space interior, furniture, hair / makeup, and various views and three-dimensional solutions will be provided during the show. Firstly, the representative speaker of TED, will introduce Washigton Post, BBC and CNN; Fabian Oefner, who did a famous collaboration with Ferrari, will showcase experimental techniques and future trends that connect science and color; Professor Ico Migliore, who did a space design for the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMa), the exclusive director of space design at MaxMara and the winner of the 10th Red Dot Award will show examples of combinations of Color, Light, Architecture. Additionally, the participant of FENDI's global project "Fatto a Mano", Lee Kwang Ho, who also became a hot topic after collaboration with Onitsuka Tiger and Gentle Monster, will present a technique that goes beyond the boundaries of practicality and artistry.Katsuya Kamo, the master of hair and makeup in Japan, who directed Karl Ragerfeld, the most influential designer of the 21st century, and supervised hair designs for Chanel Haute Couture and Fendi collections, who has also directed Comme des Garçons at Paris Fashion Week since 1996, will give a speech for the first time in Korea. And lastly, the researchers of NPCI (NOROO Pantone Color Institute) will introduce trend colors of 2018~2019 derived from Big Data and examples of effective applications; they will also announce plans for the strategic utilization of 'color desired by consumers'. This event venue will display exhibits (not including furniture and lighting) that reflect the latest trends to give the audience the opportunity to experience the work.NOROO Group has launched 'NPCI' (NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute) under Noroo Paint Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Noroo Holdings in 2014, to engage in consulting business in various fields such as technical cooperation with customers, architecture, automobile, home appliance, fashion, interior and marketing.For this event, Noroo Panton Color Research Institute (NPCI) will release a total of 60 limited edition color books, 'COVER ALL Vol.02', which contains the essence of the latest 'color / design' trends.‘NOROO International Color Trend Show’, which has become the representative color seminar event of the Republic of Korea, celebrates its 7th anniversary this year. The show will continue to provide various information about color and strategic know-how to the Korean industry. Tickets for this event are available for purchase through Interpark. We offer a 10% discount for groups purchasing 10 or more tickets. For further inquiries, please contact Noroo Paint Customer Cultural Center: 080-944-7777 (toll free).
NOROO Group, expanding the growth of agriculture b...
New business of Noroo Group (Chairman, Mr. Han Young-jae), the agricultural business, was specially featured in the (hereafter “SCMP”) in Hong Kong titled as 「Opening a new era of Smart Farm」.Currently, the group operates “Smart Farming” applying the latest technology in Kazakhstan and China. Aligning with “One Belt, One Road Strategy”, which is collectively connecting the greenbelt outside the city and Smart Farm, and the company will expand the latest technology centering on.According to this plan, the company had completed 「The KIBAN Ansung Innovation Research Complex」 named , the largest facility of agronomic research centers in Asia, which is also an aggregation of agricultural technology, based on future 4th industrial innovation area.The Key elements of the technologies are composed of seven major technology areas, such as biotechnology, chemistry, robotics, Nano-technology, big data and ICT (information and communication technology). The company will also contribute to the development of the global agricultural industry by studying the monitoring and management technology using drone technology as well.In 2014, The Group has established subsidiary companies and under 「KIBAN」brand, the agricultural business brand owned by the holding company, Noroo Holdings Co., Ltd.The company had mainly engaged in seed developments and harvesting to penetrate the agriculture-related business, providing total solutions for agricultural, moreover, life and environmental science.During interview, SCMP mainly featured the backgrounds and future business roadmap of the company, and chairman’s vision. The group has also contributed and led the modernization of Korea's industry as a strong founder & Innovator of the chemical industry and now initiating new future growing business.As main reason of entering agricultural business, the chairman explained that resolving such growing issues of global warming, environmental pollution, water shortages, securing food safety, and expanding employment opportunity were key background and proposed “expansion of Smart Farm” as a possible solution.At the end of the interview, SCMP, evaluated that NOROO Group, unlike other competitors, has developed NEW Innovative technologies and patents that could build which can resolve the process steps of the entire production of agricultural products at once.
NOROO Group, “The value of color in fashion design ...
- 2018 Spring & Summer fashion collection: The collaboration with the world-class fashion designer BAJOWOOOn October 17,2017, NOROO Group will support the 2018 S / S Collection of '99% IS- '(Ninety-nine Percent Is-), a brand led by world-class fashion designer BAJOWOO (Park Jong-woo) and will hold '99% IS- 'X NOROO' Collaboration, that will take place at the modern luxury store in Cheongdam-dong area.NOROO Group as a leading color company, it has been communicating with customers through various activities, such as 'NCTS' (NOROO International Color Trend Show), ‘2017 POW!WOW! Korea’ event that collaborated with the world's graffiti artists, and ‘Moomin Original Art works Exhibition’, and other "Color, Culture, and Value of Design" projects.This year, NOROO has been supporting and collaborating with BAJOWOO, a designer who leads fashion trends to communicate the value of color and design more efficiently and more closely with younger customers.Every season, '99% IS- 'brand interprets the diverse cultures experienced by BAJOWOO designer from a new angle, showing creativity and completeness thought its collections. We are expecting to reach a positive collaboration synergy between color companies and fashion designers.All colors used in the event were known to have been inspired by the color system of NPCI (NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute). In addition, you can also find a look using a color spray produced through collaboration between ' NOROO ' and '99% IS- '.The official of NOROO Group said, "Through this event, we will support the world-wide fashion artist BAJOWOO, to demonstrate his potential and develop various works to take a lead of the K-fashion advancement."Also on November 16th, 'NCTS 2018' (NOROO International Color Trend Show) will take place in DDP, to further strengthen its status as a leading color company.There will be lectures by six experts from South Korea and abroad, including Mr. Katsuya Kamo, the famous hair and makeup artist who participated in Chanel's collection, and Professor, Ico Migliore, the exclusive space director of Max Mara co ltd.
Opening of ‘Color Studio’ in Starfield Goyang
- Services of “one on one” consultation with experts and self-painting experience on the spot are availableOn August 28th, Noroo Paint has announced the official opening of Paint Color Studio Store in Starfield Goyang on August 24th. Noroo Color Studio Store in Starfield Goyang is a color studio which is operated by Noroo Paint with a concept of ‘Shop in Shop’, providing everything for color interior, starting from color consulting, sales of paint and subsidiary materials, up to construction services. Experts in color interior design with rich field experience (CM, Color Manager) offer 1: 1 consultation service including suggesting suitable colors considering living environment such as house atmosphere and furniture. In addition, color simulation allows you to preview the interior look after construction.Even if you do not know the exact color name, you can come with photo or magazine with your favorite color and we will provide you with over 2100 various paint colors available for you to choose. Once the color is picked, we can automatically duplicate the ed color for you within 10 minutes, so that you can take it with you. We have also set up environment friendly ‘Noroo Pantone’ experience zone, where you can try paints on the spot and it is also ideal for beginners who are preparing for self-painting interior.
'Cover All, “SOON & SOO” Free painting service ...
To improve consumer experience, Noroo Paint started a ‘Cover All, Soon &Soo Fee Construction Campaign’.‘Cover All, Soon & Soo Free Construction Campaign’ is held in the form of a 'competition' for the purpose of providing a more environmentally friendly space based on various stories for those who want to improve their living space.You can visit the Cover All, Soon &Soo homepage,the theme that best suits you, and upload photos of your site along with the story you need to paint.The contest is divided into three themes: △ ‘Green Life’: for areas which need environmental improvement, such as schools, kindergartens, childcare centers, hospitals, homes for the elderly, etc.;△ ‘Living and Life’: for the public spaces;△ ‘Start-up’: for newlywed- family and will continue for a year.Noroo Paint plans to release the best practices ed from the contest in the future. Details related to the contest can be found on ‘Cover All, Soon & Soo official website and SNS channels.(Soon & Soo Campaign Website: http://www.coverallsns.kr/)Paek Seung-chan, the general manager of Noroo Paint Marketing department said: “As the DIY boom starts, many people are more interested in creating their individual interior and the perception of paint is also changing.”He also added: “Through this contest, we hope to develop a safe, environmentally friendly, and smell-free interior space.”
2017 Seoul Living Design Fair
NOROO Paint will participate in <2017 Seoul Living Design Fair> from March 8th to 12th (for 5 days) at COEX in Seoul.NOROO Paint will present 'Come to the designer' s workshop’ where the h will be painted with various paint to match the concept of "play at home" theme of <2017 Seoul Living Design Fair> event. The designer’s workshop will be introduced to visitors with the ‘Soon & Soo’ paint, an eco-friendly brand of NOROO Paint.Recently, there is trend of self-interior; people are interested in changing their house using their own hands. Thus there is a growing number of inquiries about DIY (“Do It Yourself”) paint that can be easily used in the house.Therefore, NOROO Paint is continually developing new products through its special environmentally friendly paint brand 'Soon & Soo’. We have developed eco-friendly paints that meet global standards to be used in various places. Our ‘Soon & Soo’ is the first environment-friendly paint to receive UK Allergy Association certification, as well as the domestic environmental mark in South Korea.NOROO Paint officials said: <2017 Seoul Living Design Fair> is an opportunity to check recent interior living and design trend, and at the same time it is also a good chance to get closer to customers who are not familiar with our brand, by providing them an opportunity to see how our “Soon & Soo” paint is applied to furniture with their own eyes.”; and it was also added: “Through the experience of the audience with the theme of designer's studio, it will be a good opportunity to have ‘1-on-1’ communication. "“Soon & Soo” is the best eco-friendly paint product that can be easily used by general consumers. It was developed especially for DIY purposes from our paint technology that was accumulated for 72 years. And it is safe to use, since it contains volatile organic compounds and antimicrobial agents that minimize fungi and harmful bacteria.In addition, it is a functional water-based DIY paint that can be used at home with children at all times. Since we are using odorless resin for our paint, our customers can stay at home during the construction without worrying about malodor.
NOROO Group, The Great Success of '2017 NOROO ...
-The Global Color Treds of South Korea, Japan, Europe and the United States in one place-Over 1,000 color design experts from Korea and overseas participated in the event.-Launch of NPCI (NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute) “COVER ALL” Trend Book.-American company ‘Pantone co ltd.’ has announced ‘Greenery (Pantone Number: 15-0343)’ as the color of 2017. NOROO Paint co ltd., a major subsidiary of the NOROO Group, announced that 2017 NOROO International Color Trend Show was successfully held at DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) on December 9th 2016.NOROO Color Trend Show, which celebrated its 6th anniversary this year, presented global color trends to Korean industries. There were approximately 1,000 professionals from various fields including corporate color managers, interior designers, academics, who participated in the event. The event, which yearly presents new color trends and 'color of the year', was a good opportunity to see global color experts from Japan, Europe, and the United States gathered in one place to compare and analyze color trends and see fashion trends for 2017.The head of planning and production at「DIC Color Design co. ltd」, Japan's leading design company, Mr. Hideyasu Machida, was the first to give a speech on “Latest Asian Color & Design Trend”. He introduced the unique style of Asia which reflects the diversity of cultures and unique sensibilities.Mr. Pawel Nolbert, a Polish artist, showed the world of fresh reality created by experimental combinations of colors and materials using the visual art with the theme of "Defined By Color". He gained a worldwide reputation through 2016 TED platform.Additionally, Korea's leading NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute (NPCI) has launched its Trend Book 'COVER ALL' for the first time. Following this, a Chief researcher, Mr. Hyun Jung O and Mr. Kim Seung-hyun, attracted a lot of audience attention by giving a speech on ‘2017-18 Creative Trend & Color’, introducing color trends that are reflecting NPCI’s future core keyword ‘humanity’ and effective color application manuals.Lastly, Mrs. Leatrice Eiseman, a senior consultant of Pantone co. ltd, the leading global color company, has introduced .After comprehensively analyzing the flow of color trends, “Greenery(Pantone color code #15-03430)” was ed and officially announced as the color of the year of 2017 for the first time in Asia. When the green light of “Greenery” was The world that is created by the sensitive Greenery color of Green light of refreshing natureWhen the world made of greenery color that refreshing nature's green light spreads on screen, presenting feeling of refreshing seemed to be filled in present meeting place well.Since 1987, NOROO Paint co. ltd. is the first company in domestic paint industry to operate the Color Research Institute. The institute has been providing different color services in various fields such as automobile, home appliance, architecture, and color design. In addition, the company launched the NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute (NPCI) in 2014, and has developed technical cooperation for paint color and created new markets by expanding business of high-quality color solution through customized color consulting in the main industrial design fields such as architecture, automobile, home appliance, fashion and interior designs.
NOROO Paint, '2017 NOROO International Color T...
-Announcement of 'Pantone 2017 Color of the Year' in Korea was the first time in Asia - Presentation of global color trend standards of Korean industry in 2017- About 1,000 participants, including color / design practitioners, planning / marketing practitioners, academics, researchers and students attended the event.On October 24, the main subsidiary of Noroo Group, NOROO Paint, announced that it will host '2017 Noroo International Color Trend Show' ('2017 NCST') at DDP Dongdaemun Design Plaza on December 9.The event content includes, the announcement of ‘PANTONE Color of the Year 2017’ by Ms. Leatrice Eiseman, a senior consultant of Pantone, a global color company in the USD and the presentation on the latest Asian color trends by Omae Eri, editor of DIC Color Design. Pawel Nolbert, a visual artist from Poland, who received a great attention by his various collaboration with global companies, such as Nike and New Balance, as well as his well-known TED talks, will show various color ion and utilization techniques through experimental combinations of photographs, materials and colors. Following this, a senior researcher, Mr. Hyun Jung-oh and responsible researcher Mr. Kim Seung-hyun, attracted a lot of audience attention by giving a speech on ‘2017-18 Creative Trend & Color’, introducing color trends that are reflecting NPCI’s future core keyword ‘humanity’ and effective color application manuals.Researchers from NPCI (NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute) Mr. Hyun Jung-oh and Mr. Kim Seung-hyun will introduce 2017~2018 trend colors ed by NPCI and will give examples of effective applications. In addition, the official launch of 'Cover All', a trend book that contains the latest color design trend information provided by NPCI, will be held at the same time during the event. PANTONE is a global color company that offers color standards, and Pantone's 'Color of the Year' is becoming a standard in a variety of industries including fashion, industry, interior and advertising. It has attracted a great interest from industries and academies around the world, and it has greatly influenced the color trend of related industries.Noroo International Color Trend Show, which celebrates its 6th anniversary this year, is the representative event that presents global color trends to Korean industries. The show will be held at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) on December 9th with approximately 1,000 participants including planning and marketing practitioners, research institutes, academics, and university students. It is expected that solutions for global color trends and suggestions on ways to predict the future flow of color and utilization of colors desired by consumers will be presented at the event. Since 1987, NOROO Paint is the first company in domestic paint industry to operate the Color Research Institute. The institute has been providing different color services in various fields such as automobile, home appliance, architecture, and color design.The company launched the NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute (NPCI) in 2014, and has developed technical cooperation for paint color and created new markets by expanding business of high-quality color solution through customized color consulting in the main industrial design fields such as architecture, automobile, home appliance, fashion and interior designs. The participation ticket for 'NOROO International Color Trend Show' will be available on Interpark starting Oct. 18, and we are offering a 20% discount to early buyers ('Early Bird') who pre-register by Nov. 11. For more information, please contact the Customer Culture Center: 080-944-7777 (toll-free).
NOROO Group will present ‘2016 NOROO International ...
- PANTONE, a color company, will announce '2016 Color of the Year' for the first time in Asia- The Show will present global color trends of Korean industry for the next year- 500 companies including business designers and academics will participateTheNOROO Paint co .ltd, a leading subsidiary of Noroo Group, announced on November 23rd that it will host '2016 Noroo International Color Trend Show' at the DDP Dongdaemun Design Plaza on December 10. 2015This year is the 5th color trend show and it has invited △ Ms. Leatrice Eiseman, a senior consultant of Pantone, the world's leading authority on color and a global color company in the US to announce 'PANTONE Color of the Year 2016' for the first time in Asia; △ Professor of Hongik University, Na-geon to give a lecture on 'The importance of color in increasing the value of the design’; △ Mr. Lee Nam-hee, a color fashion expert with a presentation on 'Application of fashion industry according to color trend'; △ Presentation of the successful collaboration case of LG Life Health and Panton; △ Mr. Kim Seung-hyun, a researcher of Noroo Pain with a speech on ‘'2016/17NOROO Color Trend Suggestion' and other contents will be included in the show.PANTONE is American leading global color company. Pantone ed "Color of the Year" is not just a simple prophecy, but a standard for various design related industries such as fashion, industrial design, interior and advertising. Yearly ed trend colors have attracted a great attention from industries and academias around the world.'NOROO International Color Trend Show', which presents color trends of Korean industry, will hold its 5th show this year (since 2011) at the DDP Dongdaemun Design Plaza. The show will present solutions for global color trends of 2016 to more than 500 participants, including interior designers, academics, and color industry workers. It will also suggest ways to anticipate the future flow of color and use it in a strategic way.CEO and representative of Noroo Paint co. ltd, Kim Soo-kyung said: “Through ‘NOROO International Color Trend Show’, which celebrates its 5-year anniversary this year, we continue providing color know-how that can be used more strategically in Korean industry.” NOROOPaint is the first in the paint industry to operate a color research institute.NOROO-PANTONE Color Institute (NPCI) was launched in 2014. In addition to technical cooperation regarding paint colors, the institute is also expanding its custom color consulting business in a variety of industrial design areas, including architecture, automotive and consumer electronics, as well as fashion, interior design and advertising.The tickets for 'NOROO International Color Trend Show' can be purchased through Interpark. For more information, please contact Customer Culture Center: 080-944-7777 (toll free).
Colors through lenses - Photo Exhibition for 70th ...
- Public communication with the theme of ‘NOROO – Rules Colors’ - Held on November 18 - 30, at Insadong Insa Art Center- Visualizing the intuitive psychology of color as a work of art by the photographer, exhibiting 30 pieces.Professional Paint companyNOROO Group (Chairman Han Young-jae) will hold a special photo exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of its founding at the Insa Art Center in Insa-dong from November 18th to 30th. To establish a place of communication with the general public, the exhibition with the theme ‘NOROO – Rules the colors’ will be held in collaboration with artist Byun Soon Chul and about 30 photos will be presented as a result of almost 6 months’ work.In this exhibition, we will introduce Color as a company's history and special value.This is considered to be meaningful to communicate with the public with ‘color’ as the group’s great legacy to celebrate its 70th anniversary this year.Artists Byun Soon Chul in collaboration withNOROO Group, has visited seven Noroo paint factories in Korea and visualized the intuitive psychology of color in photos.Especially focusing on the paint manufacturing process, exquisitely capturing the process of creating color by mixing raw materials, and infinitely moments where colors meet with each other to produce another color.The photographer was taking photos with myriad repetitions by waiting with the camera at a huge circulation plant, in order to take a picture while the liquid quickly mixes in a very short time.The official of Noroo Group said: “NOROO Group, which has grown into a paint color business for the last 70 years, will continue to develop products that increase the value of the world. As a global color company, we want to contribute to human happiness using COLOR. Thus we have prepared this exhibition in order to make a commitment to our customers.NOROO Paint is a main affiliate of theNOROO Group, which was founded in 1945, has achieved sales of about 1.5 Billion US dollars last year through domestic and overseas businesses.