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Publication of NOROO Group’s '70 Years of Chal...
- Founded in 1945, same year of Liberation of South Korea, NOROO Group has reached 1.5 Billion US Dollar sales last year.- The book was published on Group’s anniversary date, November 1st.NOROO Group (Chairman Han Young-jae) specializing in paint, had published ‘70 years of NOROO Group’ for the 70th anniversary of its establishment. With the theme of ‘70 years of challenges and color culture creation ', the book objectively describes the company’s growth process from its birth to the present, from its founding in 1945 until the year of 2015. The book totally consists of 534 pages.The 1st part is starting with pictures ‘70 years NOROO in pictures’; the 2nd part is describing the history; the 3rd part is presenting the current situation in pictures; the 4th part is describing the status of the Group and each affiliate; and last part is the appendix. The book was edited and completed in approximately 1 year and 6 months. Mr. Han Young Jae, Chairman of the Group through the preface of the ‘70 years ofNOROO Group’ has expressed: “We must take the initiative of foundation and gathering strengths to create the abundance and happiness of mankind and revive the progressive spirit of the elders who once made their way to the barren land where no one has gone before. In other words, let’s open a new path toward the global stage.”NOROO Group has major affiliate that is NOROO Paint as a main subsidiary with 16 domestic and overseas affiliates. NOROO Group is a company specialized in paint, which was born in the year of liberation of South Korea in 1945, has reached yearly Revenue up to 1.5 Billion US dollars.
2012 Education on the Noroo Way from Executives to ...
NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd. held separate education sessions on the NOROO Way and value management for the executives and team leaders of NOROO subsidiaries, respectively, in August. The participants were encouraged to share NOROO’s future-oriented value systems by acquiring an understanding of all the components of the NOROO Way and by forming a corporative consensus. Both the executives and the team leaders said the education enabled them to re-establish their mindset and the values needed for new NOROO people.
The 67th Anniversary of the Establishment of NOROO ...
On October 31st, NOROO held a ceremony to celebrate the 67th anniversary of its establishment at Anyang headquarters with its executives and employees. The ceremony started with an opening speech and was followed by honoring long-term employees. After the ceremony, 153 long-term employees were congratulated and pictures were taken for commemoration. Honoring long-term employees was a token of NOROO’s gratitude for their diligence and loyalty and a reminder of NOROO’s long history that goes beyond their employment period. In a ceremonial speech, Chairman Han Young-jae emphasized that all employees should remember the meaning of “NOROO Way,” which seeks new ways that have yet to be discovered.Also, Chairman Han said, along with the 2D matrix management where the X-axis represents each company’s management and the Y-axis represents global management, NOROO will start 3D management by adding the new Z-axis of technology management. So, all of NOROO’s competence should be focused to accomplish management targets with consistent efforts, he pointed out.
NHA(NOROO HUALUN Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.), op...
On May 30, 2012, NHA, a 50:50 joint venture company between NOROO and HUALUN Co., Ltd. Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China, held an opening ceremony at the main auditorium of Yangzhou resin plant. As NOROO was looking for a partner to expand its footing in the Chinese market based on its world top class technology in resin (raw base material for paint), partnership establishment was made with HUALUN Co., Ltd., which accounts for 30% of China’s solvent market and is the no. 1 company in terms of sales. With the resin production facility pumping out an annual production capacity of 20,000 tons, NHA will produce polyester, acryl, alkyd, urethane, epoxy, and hardener for PCM, industrial, vessel, construction, and heavy duty paint markets.Since it entered the Chinese market in 2002 based on its global strategy, NOROO has been expanding its position with NOROO Paint (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. for industrial construction paint, Shanghai KINLITA Chemical Co., Ltd. for vehicle paint, and NOROO FUTIAN Paint (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. for automotive refinish paint. Combining NOROO’s product design technology and HUALUN’s production facility and distribution network, NHA envisions KRW52 billion worth of sales by 2015.
NOROO, Invited to Anyang City
On February 1, Anyang City invited Vice President Lee Min-hyeong to introduce NOROO to its members as its monthly event. In the main auditorium of Anyang City Hall with its staff and other audience attending, Vice President Lee Min-hyeong gave a presentation on NOROO group’s founding, expansion of the Anyang plant, current status, the founder’s founding ideas, business philosophy, labor-management relationship and future plans. After Lee’s presentation, Anyang Mayor Choi Dae-ho said he was very impressed by NOROO’s history and success.
2012 Conflict Management Leadership Program for NO...
help them develop their management competence and leadership. The first course was held from March 20 to March 21, and will be followed by three more courses by December.In this conflict management leadership training, team leaders learned the meaning of conflict in organizations, conflict management skills based on individuals’ characteristics and conversation skills, and discussed how to lead change in the organization and how to win the dominant position in negotiations. In conflict management, it is important to accept and understand the differences inherent in everybody. To do this, participants were taught four main behavioral types and learned how to respond to such types via case studies, games and discussions.Conflict management is critical to create cooperative relationships among team members and lead successful change in the company. With this program, every team leader in NOROO Group will be able to empower their team members to participate in change, eliminate conflict and develop enhanced communication skills.
Strategic planning education
The NOROO Group carried out strategic planning education from February to September 8, 2011, holding each session once a month for two days. Each session, which was carried out with 20-plus managers and deputy general managers), was focused on the development of their planning ability and was comprised of basic planning and methodology, project management, logical writing, environment analysis and future predictions, how to make strategic decisions, creative thinking for planners, one-on-one coaching for drawing up planning documents and planning presentations.
NOROO Group reaps the fruit of investment in China...
The NOROO Group made a strategic investment in an automobile paint production and sales company called KNT (Shanghai KINLITA Chemical Co., Ltd.), located in Shanghai, and KNT was listed in CHASDAQ on May 31.KNT, which signed an agreement on equity sharing and joint technology development with the NOROO Group in September 2007, is China’s only privately-run business in the high-functional automobile paint market. KNT is showing extremely rapid growth, with an annual average growth rate of 30%, as a result of the synergetic strategies with the NOROO Group, even amid competition with globally-renowned multinational companies in the Chinese market, which has become the world’s largest automobile market.Following its listing on the CHASDAQ, KNT is planning to acquire a public equity participation fund worth about KRW 80 billion, and, as a result, the NOROO Group is now able to further strengthen its market expansion strategies, including M&As for business in the Chinese market. Even though KNT has demonstrated outstanding performance with its rapid listing on the CHASDAQ, which was achieved in the record time of just 11 months after its application for IPO, the company aims to acquire the capacity to compete with multinational paint companies in China within five years via continuous cooperation with the NOROO Group.
65th periodical general meeting of shareholders
On March 18, NOROO Holdings held the 65th periodical general meeting of shareholders at the headquarters building in Anyang, with its directors and employees present. President Yang Jeong-mo, who chaired the meeting, explained the Company’s performance results and financial status to the shareholders. He said, “In 2010, the Company posted 29.7 billion won in operating profit and 6.9 billion won in net profit, although it experienced a difficult situation in the second half of the year amid the overall sluggishness of the world economy resulting from the financial crisis in some European countries and the jump in raw material prices. In 2011, we will adopt a new paradigm for growth, set a far-reaching vision for the future, and do our best to maximize shareholder value under the Group’s management guideline, which can be summarized as a jump forward accompanied by harmonious changes. We will concentrate on our existing business areas and undertake harmonious changes in a drive to make successful forays into new markets.”At the session, the shareholders approved the balance sheet and the income statement for 2010, as well as the allocation of a dividend of 400 won per share (for common stocks) and 405 won per share (for preferred stocks) in the surplus appropriation statement. Directors Yang Jeong-mo, Song Yoon-bin and Jin Inn-joo (outside director) were reelected, while Mr. Kim Youn-sung was newly elected as an outside director to fill the vacancy left by the departure of Mr. Choi Kwang-joo, and Mr. Kim Chul-hee was elected as the new Auditor.
NOROO Group Installs a Memorial Stone at the Place ...
In December 2010, an unveiling ceremony was held at the site located in front of the main office of Woori Bank in Hoehyeon-dong, where the NOROO Group was founded. The history of the NOROO Group is itself the history of Korea’s paint, and it is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year. After the ceremony, the Chairperson of the NOROO Group, Han Yeong-jae, visited the President of the bank, and delivered a plaque of appreciation and a commemorative album to express NOROO’s gratitude to the people of Woori Bank who provided space for the NOROO Group to install a memorial stone.
NOROO Group 2011 New Year’s Kick Off Meeting
NOROO Group’s 2011 New Year’s Kick off Meeting was held last January the 3rd at NOROO’s welfare center in Anyang factory. The Certificate of Appointment has been granted to the corresponding board members. Kwang-kyun Choi, vice chairman of NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd. was appointed to CEO of NOROO Holdings(H.K.) Co., Ltd. Jeong-mo Yang, president of NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd. to CEO of NOROO Holdings, Yeong-ho Jo, president of NOROO BEE Chemical Co,. Ltd. to CEO of NOROO Automotive Coating Co., Ltd. Moreover, Chong-suk Park, director of NOROO Automotive Coating Co., Ltd. was appointed to senior director and Dong-chun Key, director of NOROO Chemical Co., Ltd. to senior director. In the New Year’s Address, Chairman & CEO Young-jae Han emphasized the corporate management index of “Harmony and Development in the mist of change” and urged to boost current business competitiveness in a fast-changing business environment and to consolidate the foundation for future growth and development.
Lean Sigma Course in NOROO’s Chinese Branch in Sha...
Picking up where it left off last May, NOROO restarted its Lean Sigma course beginning on August 26~27 at the NOROO branch in Shanghai. Keeping the original six groups from the previous course, each group had to choose a theme that could be improved. Education was given on how to apply the DMAIC Six Sigma Methodology, along with group discussion sessions on the company’s future direction with the executive office. The course also covered how to efficiently process development, enhancement and issue solutions. Last but not least, the progress of the companywide long-term inventory control improvement campaign, one of the Big-Y projects, held in Anyang was shared with the local staff as the project is to be similarly d at the Shanghai branch in the near future.
NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd. moves its Japan HQ
In light of the NOROO Group’s globalization effort and as a steppingstone for East Asia, NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd. Japan Headquarters moved to a new office in NBF Hibiya building located in Ginza, the heart of Tokyo. The opening ceremony of the new office was held in July 6. Choi, Kwang-kyun, vice-chairman of NOROO Holdings Co., Ltd., as well as Lee, Sang-chul, director, and Kim, Dong-bin, deputy general manager and many advisers, Takano Akiyoshi, Kaneko Hideaki, Onishi Kiyoshi and Araki Koji, professor of Tokyo University, participated in the opening ceremony.On this day, Choi, Kwang-kyun announced that “There are no boundaries between countries now. Our Japan Headquarters will be standing at the forefront of the global network.” He had great expectation from the headquarters. Professor Araki Koji also celebrated the occasion, announcing that “It is amazing that Japan Headquarters moved to a new building in Hibiya, the center of Japan’s information industry. I expect the headquarter will make an impact in Japan and the world.”