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Noroo Paint Honored by President for Its Extraordinary Quality (Environment management)



NOROO Paint was honored with the “Presidential National Quality Award (Environment management category) in the KOEX Auditorium, Samseong-dong, Seoul on November 19. 


The National Quality Awards is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and organized by the Korean Standards Association. Noroo Paint was initially ed in June as a candidate based on the documentation it had submitted. An on-site assessment was conducted by a team of 5 professors in professional fields from August 18 to August 20. Excellent scores were awarded based on criteria from the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards.


There were 10 categories for the National Awards that Deputy Minister of the Knowledge Economy Ministry granted that day and the recognition of NOROO Group's (Noroo Paint) achievement in the environment management category is rich in meaning to company employees, the industry, and current and prospective customers. 
