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2012 Conflict Management Leadership Program for NOROO Group’s Team Leaders


help them develop their management competence and leadership. The first course was held from March 20 to March 21, and will be followed by three more courses by December. 

In this conflict management leadership training, team leaders learned the meaning of conflict in organizations, conflict management skills based on individuals’ characteristics and conversation skills, and discussed how to lead change in the organization and how to win the dominant position in negotiations. In conflict management, it is important to accept and understand the differences inherent in everybody. To do this, participants were taught four main behavioral types and learned how to respond to such types via case studies, games and discussions. 

Conflict management is critical to create cooperative relationships among team members and lead successful change in the company. With this program, every team leader in NOROO Group will be able to empower their team members to participate in change, eliminate conflict and develop enhanced communication skills.

